product support
14 oz. liquid sensor pump

14 oz. liquid sensor pump product support

product support
14 oz. liquid sensor pump


3-4 hours or until a solid white light is displayed.

A solid white light indicates the unit is fully charged and displays when the unit is powered on. A pulsing white light indicates the unit is charging. A solid red light indicates the unit low on charge.

Ensure the charging puck is connected to the base of the unit.

Upon connecting the charging puck, a white pulsing light should appear. If the unit is fully charged, the pulsing light will change to a solid white light. If the unit still needs to be charged, the pulsing light will continue until the unit is fully charged.

If there is no white pulsing light, check the following:

1. The outlet is functional.
2. The power adapter used matches the rating of the charging puck.
3. The charging puck can charge a different device such as a smartphone.

Pump needs to be reset:

1. Switch the unit off for 5 seconds, then attempt to switch the unit back on.
2. Wipe the sensor window clean. Rubbing alcohol and a microfiber cloth are recommended.
3. From the the powered-on position, completely cover the sensor window with your hand and toggle the power switch off, on, off, on within 2 seconds to trigger a continuous dispense mode. Stop this mode by removing your hand from the sensor window.

Sensor pump may be clogged.

From the the powered-on position, completely cover the sensor window with your hand and toggle the power switch off, on, off, on within 2 seconds to trigger a continuous dispense mode. Stop this mode by removing your hand from the sensor window.

If it is still clogged, fill the reservoir with warm water and repeat above steps.

1. Wipe the sensor window clean. Rubbing alcohol and a microfiber cloth are recommended.
2. Switch the unit off for 5 seconds, then switch the unit back on.

Lightly pull the rubber spout to wipe any dried residue.

The air vent cutout might be clogged. Gently wipe any soap residue from around the white seal under the lid.

replacement parts
charging dock

charging dock

brushed lid

brushed lid

matte black lid

matte black lid

white lid

white lid

brass lid

brass lid

polished lid

polished lid

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sensor pump 14 oz. dual caddy

sensor pump 14 oz. dual caddy

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sensor pump 14 oz. dual caddy

sensor pump 14 oz. dual caddy

sensor pump 14 oz. dual caddy

sensor pump 14 oz. dual caddy

sensor pump 14 oz. dual caddy

sensor pump 14 oz. dual caddy

black charger

black charger

instruction sheet
instruction sheet
Download the instruction sheet for your 14 oz. liquid sensor pump.
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